Amanda Panda Slots

Amanda Panda Slots
If you love cute, cuddly warriors and women, they combined that with Pandas and put it to the tune of money! What’s not to like besides the art budget?

Premise of this Cute Slot

The premise of Amanda Panda Slots tears itself across a lot of different feature movie IPs they never spent the money to officially aquire. The big one is Kung Fu Panda, alongside the stupendous Indiana Jones, and related things come to our brain. There aren’t that many images to work with, so there is not much for them to do with all those sources. They do not by and large have the some level of charm as the real mainstream films, but they still do mostly manage to give a bit of their character the longer you play the game.

Presentation in this Cute Slot

The graphics in the game are really sweet, which is the easiest and nicest thing we can say about the way it came out. Most things are crisp, clean, clever, and colorful to see. The illustration and hand crafted style in many ways just look out of it and out of place, however, like someone poor smacked together bad things with a Photoshop layer. We cannot say it’s completely a failrue, but it has a ‘peculiar’ sort of tone to it that pervades the whole thing and will leave you plucking your head in confusion.

Gameplay Mechanics in this Cute Slot

Gameplay in this cute little game is fairly straight to the point. It’s around 5 reels and the usual 20 pay lines, and the bonus area is called the Secret Chamber, but that’s about all there is to it.

Betting in this one spins from a penny to at most $10. Maximum winnings cap out at low, which is in line with the art effort.

Liked About this Cute Slot

+ Thematic backing + Charming + Hand crafted + Plays well + Jackpot

Disliked About this Cute Slot

- Low budget - Charming - Not new

Conclusion - The Bottom Line on this Cute Slot

This cute effort is the low charisma and semi confused DreamWorks outing you always needed. You didn’t ask for that you say? Well too bad sir, that’s what we were gifted with!

As you can tell, we really enjoyed it. Go play it right this minute! We’ll be waiting for your take on it after. And a portion of the winnings!