Luxury Liners Slots

Luxury Liners Slots
Luxury Liners is a game for people that fly first class, and would like to sail first class—assuming they have the money! Whether you’ve experienced that or would like to, this game is for you, and we had a blast with it.


The premise of this one is luxurious boats you can cruise on with enough money. We like boat stuff, and it ends up working quite well for us, so we have no qualms with that. If anything the high rolling nature of it keeps things moving quick because you are not stopping to stare at what is going on as you are instead thinking of all the money you can win!


We found graphics in this fine game nothing to write home about, but are charming. The red and blue colors go well, and the nice splashes of blue are also easy on the eyes. The reels are low res, but do have a nice tattoo look that is admittedly swell. It is not going to wow you with the way that it appears, but is good enough.


Thankfully, gameplay in this fine game is fast and luxurious like the name of the slot itself. With only 3 reels and a single pay line, we feel almost strange saying it is a lot of fun, but here we are in the world we are cruising through with this sentence being the gospel on that. Bets range from just 10 cents to $10, and 3 coins at most puts the largest bet at $30.

The simplicity here the draw, keeping things moving because of how easy it is to keep going little going on with every spin you make. This may put some off, but we enjoyed it.


+ Luxurious art + Cool boats + Pacing + Payouts


- Not much!

Conclusion — Is Luxury Liners Slots Worth It?

The bottom line is that we are torn liking this game, but we side with the fact that it’s a great time! It is simple to the point of spartan, but still manages to feel a bit novel thanks to how convoluted the rest of these games have now become. With good payout potential, a decent rate of play, and nothing to stand in the way of getting money here, we think this fine game is a good time to be had by all with a luxury theme we think is appropriate. We recommend giving it a spin immediately, and playing it all through the evening so you can rack up some boat money to buy a ticket on this one!