Mile High Slots

Mile High Slots
For the money loving pilot in all of us, Mile High Slots sores above and beyond what you’d expect, and should be played right this minute!

Premise of the Slot

The premise of this fine slot is a plane, sans any jokes or humor about what happens when we’re up in the air.

Presentation in the Aisles

Graphics in this game are very well done. From the planes to the flying character, it’s all is crisp, cute, colorful, and compelling to look at. The colors they picked do well in a blue toned manner that the minor warmth of the other colors on some reels play with. And we cannot think of much to say is wrong here beyond the clearly copied and pasted many playing cards adorning most reels.

Gameplay Mechanics on a Plane

Gameplay here is thankfully pretty good. It’s a 5 reel and 25 pay line game, just like most. Betting here goes from a penny to $5, all the way up to $125, which is middle of the road for a game like this.

The bonus mode here is called Select a Play. It won’t blow your mind with novelty, but we love it all the same. We would give the developers a fist bump if that was allowed on air planes.

Liked About the Game

+ Unique motif + Great imagery + Accessible play style + Great money potential

Disliked About the Game

- Gameplay is old and boring - Vortexes of dopamine await you here

Conclusion - The Bottom Line

This is a nice and study entry in the casino genre that won’t blow you down, but will blow some money up your wallet the longer you spin at it. It doesn’t break any familiar conventions, but it’s fun and calm and rewarding. If you’re playing on a cross atlantic flight itself, all the greater, as it’ll look a whole lot more appropriate.

If you’re still reading, rethink that! Stop what you’re doing right this minute. Put on your air mask to make sure you’re breathing, help the passenger sitting next to you, and when you’re done, hop on up to play this game. It’s waiting for you before it can leave the tarmac, and everyone’s getting angry that you’re holding them all up. They have places to be, and it’s not like you’re doing anything right this minute.