Ja Man Slots

Ja Man Slots
If you love Jamaica and money, but are okay with low production values as if the game was actually made there, you’ll appreciate what they’ve done here. Cool-Runnings references aside, it’s an okay game well worth your time if you have any of that and money to invest!

Premise of This Game

The premise of Ja Man slot game is Jamaican culture, but just barely, and not all that much. They did little that’s actually like authentically Jamaican things here. It is mostly a beach with ethnic people on it, and some jewel looking things. Maybe that is how they do things in out there, but we really doubt it.

Presentation in This Game

Graphics here are about as low budget as they game. It combines average imaes with a copy and taken from elsewhere format that have some bits of genius thrown in to round it out. Everything you’ll see is clever, clean, colorful, and compelling to look at, but all of the many suits of cards are most of what will be matching and aren’t very novel in any way. The logo leaves a ton to be desired as well in our book, and it’s all very lazy looking if you stop and think about it.

Gameplay Mechanics in This Game

Gameplay here is nothing novel. It’s only 5 reels and 25 pay lines, so you know not to expect anything new.

Betting here skips from a penny to $10, with maximum coin totals capping out at $250. More than you’d think for a low budget game!

Liked About This Game

+ Unique motif + Some bits of genius in the art + Free modes are great + Solid play style + Decent potential to win big

Disliked About This Game

- Copied and taken from elsewhere look - Not very novel - Can be hyper addictive

Conclusion - Can You Dig Ja Man Slots?

We didn’t like this game all that much, but it still does well to be worth your time despite all we’ve gone on about concerning that, and we can recommend it based on that reason. If you are looking for a casino game that pays and plays like a high roller, you can do a lot worse than what they did here in this fine game. Sled on up to it and give it a thorough spin!