American Icon Slots

American Icon Slots

We've all seen or heard of American Idol. Now, with American Icon Slots, you get paid to experience that, sans the singing, dancing, and fanfare. Unless you win big! Then you get all you could ever want and more for your efforts.

Premise of This Slot

The premise of this game is the hit TV program American Idol.

Presentation in This Slot

Graphics here are really swell. Everything for the most part is clever, clean, and compelling to look at. There is a low key vibe to everything that has a smile on it, which is the real sign of a good draftsman at work. Still, it all looks swell and comes together decently. The logo they made itself is a little crappy and the colors don't quite work out as well as they could have, but it looks okay enough to say they did a good job overall with the game.

Gameplay Mechanics in This Slot

Gameplay here is largely standard. It's only 5 reels and 20 pay lines, which leaves little room to innovate.

Betting here sings from a single penny to $10. Top bets top out at $200, high rolling like the stakes of the source material on TV.

Liked About This Slot

+ Great and well made premises + Best use of low budget art + Classic play style + Decent winnings

Disliked About This Slot

- No Judges - Gameplay is standard - Got sucked in when we probably needed to practice our singing

Conclusion - The Bottom Line on This Slot

This is surely a game you have probably played before, only with a couple of scant images that they put in that look like American Idol stars to cover all of that up. It pays well and plays decently, which is about all it has going for it at the end of the day. If you want something that has pop motifs, you will ironically have to look somewhere elsewhere. If you are only in it for the moolah and took the time to read all the way here or scanned this review well enough to see this, however, you may as well give it a decent try. You have got little to lose, a bunch to gain, and a full day or night in the future right now to do it!