Trick or Treat Slots

Trick or Treat Slots
Isn’t all that scary, but you should be concerned about not playing it! Giving an interesting twist on Halloween that pays you nicely, it’s a win on all fronts if you’re a fan of that. If not, you’ll still love it, because who doesn’t love winning?

Premise of Trick or Treat Slots

The premise of Trick or Treat Slots is the holiday we’re all familiar with. Candy, ghosts, whole thing.

Presentation in Trick or Treat Slots

Graphics in Trick or Treat Slots are Very decent. Everything is clever, clear, scary, and compelling to see. They have a great look to it that shows a lot of effort went into the drawing, and don’t at all feel copied or cheap. There’s not a pixel out of place in the slot, which we praise them for. We wish we were less whimps when it came to scary things, however!

Gameplay Mechanics in Trick or Treat Slots

Gameplay in Trick or Treat Slots is nothing new. being 3 reels and 1 pay line, you’ve seen it before.

Betting here goes from 10 pennies to $10. Maximum bets top out at $30, which is about as low as what they give out on the holiday in rich towns.

There aren’t any special features to speak of, but there isn’t usually anyway in slots that attempt that.

Liked About Trick or Treat Slots

+ Nice season they picked for it + Looks great + Solid pacing + Decent jackpots

Disliked About Trick or Treat Slots

- A little scary for our personal tastes - Gameplay is old - Heavily addictive

Conclusion - The Bottom Line on Trick or Treat Slots

Trick or Treat Slots is a great holiday game that came together wonderfully and shows a lot of skill. That counts for a bunch, and makes your time invested with it feel like a dream.

If you love that time of season and are into what goes bump in the night, bump on up and give Trick or Treat Slots a try! You won’t regret a penny of it. Unless you piss yourself and were playing in full view of your friends and family. Then we promise you that you will most likely regret it. May even be emotionally ruined for life. You’ll never, ever get past it. It’ll be your own private PTSD.

For all else, just give it a go and hold it in long enough until you’re all done winning!